Damages and Issues
Exceptions / Non-returnable Items
Address Changes & Cancellations
Address Changes
Returns & Exchanges
You have 30 days after receiving your item(s) to request a return or exchange.
To be eligible for a return or exchange, your item must be in the same condition that you received it, unworn or unused, with tags, and in its original packaging. You will cover the cost of return shipping, except in any case where we are responsible for the cause of the return or exchange (see “Damages and issues”). If your return package does not arrive at our warehouse successfully, we cannot issue a refund or exchange.
To begin the return or exchange process, contact info@brendanforrest.com. Items returned to us without first requesting a return will not be accepted.
Damages and issues
Contact us immediately if the item is defective or damaged or if you receive the wrong item. We do not accept returns or exchanges for apparel items that become damaged or shrink after washing.
Exceptions / non-returnable items
Unfortunately, custom products (including books with personalized messages) cannot be returned. Please get in touch with us if you have questions or concerns about your item.
We will notify you once we’ve received your return. If approved, you’ll be refunded on your original payment method. It typically takes 5-10 business days for your bank or credit card to post the refund to your account.
Address Changes & Cancellations
Contact info@brendanforrest.com to update your shipping address or cancel your order. Please note an address change or cancellation request is not guaranteed until one of our team members has confirmed your request has been processed.
Address Changes
If your order has already shipped, we are not responsible for packages lost due to an incorrect shipping address. You will not be refunded for your charge. If your package is returned to our warehouse, you will be contacted. In this instance, we will allow one reshipment of your order upon your shipping address confirmation. If your package fails to deliver after your reshipment, we will refund the cost of the items in your order minus the shipping cost.
If your order has already shipped, you should be able to refuse the package by contacting the carrier or refusing it upon delivery. At this point, it will be returned to our warehouse. Once we've received it, we'll refund your original payment method minus the shipping cost. If you cannot refuse your delivery, please let us know, and we can assist you with a return or exchange at your expense.
What if the item I ordered arrives and doesn’t look like the photo in the store? The images used in the store are often digital mock-ups of what the product is intended to look like. The actual product will typically vary once it is created and shipped.
Feel free to contact our team if you feel that the product you received differs significantly from the digital mock-up on the store. Be sure to send at least two photos so our team can better understand the difference and help you.
What if I have requested a refund, but the card I used for the original purchase has been canceled? If the account you used for the original purpose is still open, we can refund that account (Ex, If you used a debit card for your purchase but have since canceled your debit card). e cannot offer a refund if the account you purchased initially through is no longer open. e can only offer store credit in these instances. Ex: If you made your purchase on a Credit Card that has since been canceled).